Learning through Playful Adventures

Preschoolers (2-3 years)

At Bright Minds Montessori, we believe that each child is a curious learner, and our preschool program provides the perfect platform for their holistic development. Our engaging curriculum is carefully designed to nurture your child's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Join us as we inspire a love for learning, foster independence, and prepare your child for a successful educational journey ahead.
Engaging Education

Playful Learning

We believe that children learn best through play. Our preschoolers engage in hands-on activities, interactive games, and imaginative play that promote problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.
Verbal Mastery

Language and Literacy

We foster language development through storytelling, vocabulary-building exercises, phonics activities, and early writing skills, laying a strong foundation for future literacy.
Quantitative Explorations

Math and Science Explorations

Our little scientists delve into the wonders of numbers, shapes, patterns, and basic scientific concepts through age-appropriate experiments, exploration, and engaging math activities.
Innovative Expressions

Creative Arts

From painting and drawing to music and dance, we encourage self-expression, imagination, and artistic exploration, allowing each child to discover their unique talents and interests.
Interpersonal Growth

Social Skills Development

Preschool is a time for building friendships and learning essential social skills. We provide a supportive environment where children learn to share, collaborate, and develop empathy and respect for others.
Nature Explorations

Outdoor Adventures

Our preschoolers enjoy outdoor playtime, promoting physical development, gross motor skills, and a connection with nature. They engage in fun-filled activities that encourage active play and exploration.
Effective Toilet Training Policy

Toilet Training Policy

Potty training is a big step in a child's development. Children generally achieve this between ages 2 to 3 years old. We will start potty training your child why they show sign of readiness. Every child develops at their own pace, and some may have medical reasons for potty training later than their friends or not at all. We will consult with the family and assist in potty training with the understanding that it will be successful only if we work together.
We use a low key approach with lots of praise. To begin with, we will encourage them to use the washroom every hour. Eventually we remind kids frequently to use potty and incite them to ask us when they need to go. Diapers or pull-ups will be worn until a child has gotten used to going potty, to avoid accidents and set-backs at school. A child will not move up into Pre-kindergarten classroom until they are completely potty trained. Full potty trained means that the child goes accident free for three full weeks not including nap time